버티컬 게임플레이
레벨 디자인이 풍부하면 위에서 들려오는 소리를 들을 수 있게 됨으로써 세계의 수직성이 강화되고 때로는 다음에 탐험할 곳을 알려주는 단서가 되기도 합니다.
Towering bosses
This also worked out especially well for our boss battles because most of them are quite large. For each boss it was essential that sounds were correctly associated with their appropriate emitter — head, wing, foot, etc. for spatial accuracy.
In-game cutscenes and vignettes were the few places where we could really push some more intense panning for dramatic effect. For example, the main antagonist, Shriek, was a giant owl that frequently flew overhead for her introduction into the scene.