Dolby Atmos Binaural Settings Plug-in

Dolby Atmos Binaural Settings Plug-in

The Dolby Atmos Binaural Settings plug-in is designed to streamline your workflow when working with the Dolby Atmos Renderer application.  It allows control of the Renderer input configuration, groups, descriptions, and binaural metadata directly from a DAW plug-in.  You no longer have to manage these settings across multiple applications, which means that they can be recalled with your project or session file, without requiring you to save a separate settings file for the Renderer.  It also opens up new workflows, including the ability to copy settings from an existing master file, as well as storing preset configurations in the plug-in.



Available as AAX, AU and VST3 plug-in for Mac.

The plug-in was tested for use in a Renderer system, for use with these DAWs:

  • Ableton Live
  • Apple Logic Pro
  • Avid Pro Tools Ultimate
  • Steinberg Nuendo
The plug-in was tested with the Dolby Atmos Renderer v5.0 or later. For Renderer system requirements click here.