Dolby Atmos and Unreal Engine

Dolby Atmos is delivered using Epic's Unreal engine two different ways.

For more information how middleware is configured to take advantage of Dolby Atmos, please review the documentation below


Dolby Atmos Plug-in for Unreal Engine

As an extension to the Unreal Engine, the Dolby Atmos plug-in for Unreal Engine embeds within the controls of the Unreal Editor user interface. The plug-in provides access to enhanced Dolby spatial audio processing for game development and design on Windows 10/11, Xbox Series X|S and Android platforms.

There are a few steps to access the plug-in:

  1. Create an account on 
  2. Review and Sign the EULA for using the plug-in
  3. Download the plug-in

Click the link below to get started!

Download Dolby Atmos Plug-in for Unreal Engine