Unsound Meetings:
How Your Productivity Suffers Under Traditional Conferencing Audio

With today’s increasingly remote workforce and dispersed teams, we’re asked to get more and more work done in video meetings and conference calls. Audio quality is critical in all forms of conferencing — yet 82% of companies experience audio problems with their conferencing solutions.

Let’s look at some of the problematic audio issues that stymie our ability to collaborate.

Poor Audio Quality

Poor audio clarity is an issue for 0% of companies.

Sound is distorted, so miscommunication is common and listeners end up fatigued.

I think this is the most engaging ad campaign we’ve ever come up with, but I’d love to get your thoughts on what we can improve.
Background Noise

0% of companies say background noise is a problem.

Sounds from a participant’s environment disrupt the conversation, which can derail meetings. And when mobile callers go on mute, they often don’t rejoin the conversation.

Umm, sorry – can you repeat that?
Overlapping Talkers

0% of companies report an inability to understand when there are overlapping talkers.

Meetings are filled with awkward interruptions. Conversations don’t flow naturally, so it’s hard to participate.

Group 5 Created with Sketch. How's the prototype coming? Group 8 Created with Sketch. We’re talking to. Group 17 Created with Sketch. Group 19 Created with Sketch.

Meetings need to happen.
Audio issues don’t.

Ready for a different kind of conferencing experience?

Dolby Voice is a breakthrough audio technology that sets a new standard for how you can expect conferencing to sound.

Easy to Understand

Dolby Voice delivers exceptional audio clarity and suppresses background noise, making it easy to hear and understand everyone.

Easy to Participate

It supports overlapping talkers and minimizes sound delays, which makes it easy to participate.

Easy to Follow

It uses spatial audio technology, placing voices in distinct locations so you always know who’s speaking and can easily follow the conversation.

With Dolby Voice and the Dolby Conference Phone, you no longer need to settle for poor-quality audio. Stunning sound is the new standard.

Check out the Dolby Voice demo today.

Hear the Difference